
I just read an old blog that reminded me of the time that we [Amanda, Talicia, and Cameron] were at the Isbells and being slightly louder than we should have been for that late hour, and David came out to tell us to quiet down. He was pretty much walking asleep... and while all of us kids were wide awake, sitting on the couches with the light on, he looked at Cameron and said, " Dont act like you're asleep!" Haha... I don't know why that was so funny, but I miss those days.
I am pretty sure that was after he encouraged us to go to the scary neighborhood where we were confronted by the police. I have the best role models!!!!!!! :)

The sun is out! I am so thankful for that! Here is a slight picture of what I am up to at this very moment:

First off, I smell like sweet pea, vanilla, and coffee. Not the good coffee smell unfortunetly. I can smell my shampoo [the sweet pea], I have been constantly putting on lotion while here at the drive thru [the vanilla], and my work clothes permanently smell like coffee. The shop's scent itself reminds me of Christmastime. Coffee, chocolate, a variety of syrup flavors, and this hint of heater smell. I am not really sure if thats a good thing, but yes you can smell the heater.
It is SUNNY now. I am so happy! I feel like I haven't seen the sun in years! And that if it hadn't come out this morning, I would have just given up on ever seeing it again! There is snow covering the ground, weird for Washington in general, but definitely weird for the end of MARCH! Meridian is not too busy. Cars keep driving by with snow piled on the roofs and in truckbeds.
Its warm here inside [thanks to the above mentioned heater], and it makes me want to go to sleep. But as soon as I open the windows to talk to customers, the air is cool and crisp. And clean. If that is possible. I think it is.
I am currently listening to Love is Reaching by Candlefuse. Its streaming through my computer into the speakers of the shop. Its a sweet set-up. Soon though I will be interupted by a loud bell, informing me that a car is pulling up to the window. Right now its pretty peaceful, but as soon as I start someone's drink, the whizzes and clangs of the espresso machine start in. The loud bang of me dumping the portafilter's used espresso, the dings of the shot glasses banging together to get rinsed out, the machine itself's humming, and the sound of paper ripping as I steam milk all fill this tiny shop. After handing off the drink and wishing them a good day, the shop is quiet again.
Smell, smight, touch, sound.... taste! I wish I could explain some amazing drink I made myself, but thats not the case. I am being boring and drinking water. Therefor, I taste water.

So there you have it. My life right this moment. :)

That good old Relient K song is fresh in my head these days. As Washington gets snowed on, the sun shines and melts it away, it snows again, and then the wind blows it away, and then it rains.
That is all in the last three days. WHERE IS THE HEAT?

I could totally go for living in Georgia. Florida even? Mexico? I am freeeeezing up here. Scarves and gloves should be put away. Same with coats and boots. I am ready for flip flops and ballet flats, cropped pants and shorts, and SUNGLASSES.

And ahh lovely. I just looked outside again and guess what... its snowing. AGAIN. Stop, please. And thank you.

Things I love about my life right now and want to remember in the future:

1. I am allowed to stay up as late as I want, and usually don't have anything going on the next morning so I can sleep in. But I prefer to go to bed around 11 [its almost here right now]... so I can get up early. I think I am getting old.

2. I am in love with mail. I have so many little cards and postcards and love sending letters and drawings and cards and chapstick around Puyallup and around the country! I also love getting mail... like the note I got from Hope, and the postcard Katie and I got from Derek!

3. Mount Rainier is no longer my favorite. I don't know why I didnt ever notice them in the past 19 years of my life... but the Olympic Mountains [you can see them from the hill if you look towards Tacoma... but only on SUPER clear days] are the most BEATIFUL mountains I have ever seen. There is an especially good view from Steilcoom. Ahhh... seriously. They are marvelous! I literally do a double, and even triple take everytime I look. When they are out... I find excuses to drive and look at them!

4. I didn't think I would like short hair as much as I do. I need a slight trim, but I love that it doesn't take me an hour to dry my hair. I can shower in the morning instead of HAVING to shower at night. My hair also styles eaiser and stays that way allllll day which is awesome.

5. I am becoming more organized everyday. And almost crazily organized. From my closet to my make-up bag to my folders on my computer. I haven't lost something in I don't know when. Its a good thing and a bad thing I think.

6. I can't read enough. My favorites are stories that take place during WWII and ones that are set in the south. Especially if they have real history in them. Like The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman. AH. That is my absolute favorite. Then To Kill A Mockingbird, which unlike almost all other school districts in the US... Orting did not HAVE to read. I first read it this year!

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