There you have it... my new place of work. On the first floor of some new-ish [to you Farah] Puyallup condos, and next to the senior activity center. [Sidenote: the senior center has a hula-cising class. Exciting? Looks like it... according to one lady, anyone, any age can take the class. SWEET!] I don't really know when this picture was taken, I just randomly found it online... but yeah, there it is. Beautiful huh?
So this Wednesday was my first day. I also worked Thursday and Friday. All days were training days. Unlike the boring books we went through training at Starbucks... Forza was fun! Like I think I said in a previous post, two girls I met in the interview process also got the job, which I am really pumped about!!! Actually there is a total of five of us... but yeah. Here are some of the highlights of this work week:
-My co-workers [new people just hired like me, and the people who have been there forever] are awesome. Most I know from just around town, Forza [before I got the job], Bethany... you know. But it is exciting to actually get to know them!! Everyone is so funny. I laughed so much at work, I couldn't believe it. :)
-I was taught how to pull the perfect shot... which is a pretty cool process. I also had to taste the difference between a 'good' shot and a shot that has gone bad. I am not kidding when I say the bad shot taste like my guess of what it would be like to chew up a cigarette. Ewwww. haha.
-I memorized the recipes for soooo many different drinks. More than I ever thought I could memorize in two days! [Someone test me... I should be a pro by now!]
-I re-learned how to properly steam and foam milk. I discovered that I might be a bit short for the bar. I was on the tips of my tip toes to see what I was doing while steaming the milk, so I might need to get some taller shoes or something! haha.
-I met some new people! Customers actually. I think this might be one of my favorite things... meeting people. I can't wait to get to know all the people who come into Forza!!
I can't really think of what else to say without writing out every conversation and situation that went on. I am so so so pumped about this job! Can you tell?
so so so so many things are going on right now. everything that i thought i would be doing right now is completely the oppisite. i cant even think of words to describe how amazing life is right now, and how much God is moving. its unbelievableeeeee. with that many e's. and i am not joking. in my life. in puyallup. everywhere.
i got the job. woo! thats right, starting wednesday i am an employee of forza coffee co in puyallup. i am so so so so excited. i met a couple girls during the interviewing process [katie, who is 19 and from south dakota, and megan who is 16 and from puyallup] and they both got the job too! we are really excited to all work together. i cant wait. seriously. so excited. cant sleep. oh man. gooooooood first day of summer. God is great!
i have my second interview today... wooooo!
and just when i thought life couldnt be more exciting...
after that post yesterday, i went to my interview. which went amazingly well i think, and i have been praying about it just about every second since the interview ended. i really believe that is the perfect job for me right now. we will see i guess!! :)
so i came home... and just kind of chilled here by myself. alone time is good when you have spent every minute of the week with other people. this is where the first curveball came into play.
no more apartment. yeah. crazy! but in a way, its a good thing. amanda found out that PLU doesnt allow student under the age of 20 to live anywhere other than campus or their own house. if PLU found out that she lived in an apartment, they could drop her classes. yeah, not cool PLU. haha. i was pretty bummed but could also see a lot of good things coming out of this. example: i can afford to pay my dad for my car insurance, pay my mom back for my plane ticket in october, save up for a newER car! yay!, be less stressed about school and such, be able to get some new jeans [mine are all ripped! haha]. none of that stuff even crossed my mind when we were getting the apartment. all i could think about was living on my own! i guess it will happen someday.
okay so curveball number one turned into an alright situation when i sat back and thought about it. but i was having a really hard time falling asleep, for many reasons. the job interview, the apartment, this whole "oh my gosh he knows my name" thing... my mind was running like crazy. it was like, 1:15am [so technically it was saturday, but just pretend it was still friday because i never actually fell asleep] and my dad came into my room. shawn's house got broken into and he had to go up there to meet the police. flipping scary. i texted amanda and we ended up talking on the phone for two hours until my dad got back. i was crazy scared that someone was going to break into our house now! but after my dad got home i finally fell asleep. at like 4AM. geesh!
i dont think it is possible for there to be any more excitement this summer. summer itself is usually pretty exciting anyways... hot weather, late nights with friends, driving the golf cart, no school, you know... the usual. but this summer is like, BAM! WOW! AMAZING!
the official first day of summer, june 20th, is also the official move in day for amanda, katy, and i. thats right, a week from today we will be moving all of our stuff into the apartment. from then on my life will be totally different. no tv... but 24/7 music. which i am excited about because i hate tv noise. which is ever-present in our house. its spongebob all day followed by the news and sitcoms all night. i turn that thing off every chance i get! which is when no one is around. which is never. okay ANYWAY.
today i have an interview which i am not going to write a lot about because it is my number 3 dream job and i really want it. [after being a mom or working at bethany or mlc. :)] so yes in 3 and half hours i will be at my interview. which hopefully it will go amazingly well. more updates later.
in about two-ish weeks... we have two weeks of VBS! woo! i am so excited, i can hardly stand it. the first week i am leading a group of 4 year olds. right up my alley right? i thought so too. the second week is sports camp! and i am leading a group of 5-10 kids around all day, doing small groups with them, and then our entire group will be participating in... you guessed it... soccer! haha. just kidding how could you guess soccer? since it is just about my least favorite sport and i have never played. but hey it seems easy enough right? better than football or basketball.
then after that... i dont know. i will countdown to september 24th when i have to go back to school. blahhhh. i love summer.
so far today has been sucky. i hate to say it, but it has.
i woke up earlier than i expected due to a text message. i was in that completely peaceful sleep... and my phone went off! grr. i got over it quickly though because really, it was eleven o' clock.
so i walked out towards the kitchen and guess what? ITS OCTOBER OUTSIDE. rainy rainy rainy and colllllllld. where is summer?
so i got over that too and decided to wash my face and brush my teeth. i was just about to rinse out my toothbrush after brushing when i accidentally dropped it, and watched as is fell in slow motion off the counter and straight into the toilet!
as you can see... today is not off to a good start.
but, as you cannot see, because if you are reading this you are not here, i am still in a great mood! it is monday! yay! haha. i am almost done with my teacher assistant application and resume, i am going to forza with amanda in a few hours, and i think the day will get better.
we move into our apartment in eleven days! eleven!!! woo!!! so excited!!!
a year ago, this is the very LAST place i imagined myself. i thought i would still be in alabama, georgia maybe. working and going to school and all that jazz. [i say that way too often, but i think it is from my daffodil experience last year].
i never figured i would once again live in washington, and love it. i didnt think i would be jobless [except for wonderful babysitting jobs], that i would be a member at a church other than riverchase, or that i would ever develop a crush on someone with black hair. who knew, right?
well update on meagan's life here in the great pierce county WA:
i still don't have a job, although i am applying and praying about this job as a teacher's assistant next school year at cascade christian. i meet all the requirements and such, so i am hoping and praying that this is where God is going to take me job-wise this fall. its full time, 8AM to about 3:30pm... so i am pretty excited.
i also decided against UW of tacoma. at least for now. since gas is so expensive and stuff... i changed my focus back to pierce. i will be able to walk there from the apartment [crazy i know!!], and it is cheaper.
lets see... i still babysit for one of the coolest kids ever, benjamin. seriously... he cracks me up. he is one and a half, and he just learned to say ut-oh! and he says ut-oh! about everything!!! i also started volunteering at bethany during the week... getting art supplies together for the early childhood classes on sunday mornings. i already work in there on sundays... and my first week as the actual 'teacher' is june 15th. i am a little nervous, but not too much. amanda is my assistant teacher :).
in my spare time between working up at bethany, babysitting, and running millions of errands, i love love love forza. thats another thing. a year ago, i would not have thought that i would banish the word starbucks from my vocab and replace it with forza. a year ago i didnt even know what forza meant! haha. [strength of life... its on the cup]. which is also why i am naming my pet goldfish forza.... hopefully it will live for more than a week. woo!!
so i am out of updates and things to say. i miss farah. come visit!! :)