so far today has been sucky. i hate to say it, but it has.
i woke up earlier than i expected due to a text message. i was in that completely peaceful sleep... and my phone went off! grr. i got over it quickly though because really, it was eleven o' clock.
so i walked out towards the kitchen and guess what? ITS OCTOBER OUTSIDE. rainy rainy rainy and colllllllld. where is summer?
so i got over that too and decided to wash my face and brush my teeth. i was just about to rinse out my toothbrush after brushing when i accidentally dropped it, and watched as is fell in slow motion off the counter and straight into the toilet!
as you can see... today is not off to a good start.
but, as you cannot see, because if you are reading this you are not here, i am still in a great mood! it is monday! yay! haha. i am almost done with my teacher assistant application and resume, i am going to forza with amanda in a few hours, and i think the day will get better.
we move into our apartment in eleven days! eleven!!! woo!!! so excited!!!


  1. Farah said...
    Wow! Has it gotten better or have you just strapped yourself in for the adventure of the day? I mean toothbrush in the toilet; that's almost as grand as the Goliath! I love you!
    Meagan Ruff said...
    for the record... my day stayed the same. i have been kind of sick lately... something wrong with my stomach. so i have just been hanging out at home trying to feel better. nothing terribly dramatic though. :)

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