Happy Birthday in 15 minutes our time... three hours ago your time. Miss you guys!!!
Usually assemblies are the worst. They are boring, kids are loud and won't be quiet, and its usually crowded and hot in the gym. So on Monday morning, I was not looking forward to this assembly I knew pretty much nothing about.
Once we got there , my mind was quickly changed. The presentation was given by Craig Scott, brother of Rachel Scott, the first student killed at Columbine High School in 1999. Not very long before the shootings happened, she wrote an essay challenging the reader to show kindness to everyone. In one part she says:
"I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go."
After learning more about her life, and how she showed kindness and compassion to everyone she encountered, our school was given the challenge, which included five main points:
1. Eliminate Prejudice by looking for the best in others.
2. Dare to Dream [set goals, keep a journal].
3. Choose your influences [input determines output].
4. Use kind words.
5. Start a chain reaction with family & friends.
During the assembly, I began to notice something different about my classmates. Everyone was quiet [and not because they were sleeping!], people were engaged in what Craig was saying, and even the guys who are usually loud and obnoxious were focused during the entire assembly. Afterwards, you could really see the difference in our school. Walking back to class, every single student was talking about it. Everyone was being nice to each other, and even the toughest of tough guys were saying how great the assembly was, and how much it affected them.
That night, Craig Scott was doing the presentation again for parents and students who wanted to return. Our counselor, Mr. Matz, had said he would be happy if there were 30 parents and students. Man was he surprised to have the gym filled with more than 500 people from around Orting!!! [Instead of having youth group, everyone that usually goes to the Besseys, including Buzz and Robin, went along to the night-time presentation.]
So... now if you visit Orting High School, you will definitely see a change in the students.
...because not only do they NEVER post, but they probably don't read these too often either, otherwise they would post something. And although this post actually has nothing to do with them, I just want to say that I actually check to see if they write anythign new... and, well, they haven't since September. SLACKERS. :]
ANYWAYS...random little post for ya:: I am starting to very much dislike cold. I used to love cold weather, ice, and snow... but not anymore. It is so cold that after being outside for even a couple minutes... my insides start to hurt. Then I get inside and look dumb because my cheeks are pink, my teeth and chattering, and I can;t stop shaking!!! Now, I am all for snow and missing school and everything, but I wish it snowed at like... 45 degrees. That would be nice.
Now I am about to go completely contradict what I just said about hating the cold by going to watch a movie in the Reeves downstairs. I promise it is almost as cold as outside. But as long as I am with friends I will be good. I don't know the movie yet, but I am sure it will be good. :]
Okay not really but it got your attention right? So today was a pretty routine day: woke up, got ready for school, my car ran out of gas [yes that is routine for me], went to school, craved Starbucks, Amanda bought me Starbucks, and then I cleaned my room. Sounds normal right? WRONG.
See by that little description you would have never known that I actually woke up at 7:15AM, five minutes before I need to leave for school... and that getting ready for school consisted of running around the house as fast as I could trying to find my jeans [which I still got the wrong pair]. Then as my car was running out of gas, my brother was complaining on how he was going to be late to school... and how I shouldn't sing in the car because it annoys him. Once at school [my mom drove me], I realized I forgot a lunch... AND didn't have breakfast, so not only was I craving Starbucks... I needed anything to eat. ha.
Now, don't think I had a bad day... because actually it was great. In 6th period, my last class aka Annual, I started a painting [because the annual room is connected to the art room, and we share a teacher]. The painting is actually pretty brill [brilliant]. Then Amanda Otis... my wonderful friend and lifesaver... bought me a double chocolate chip frap from Starbucks!!!! Just when you thought my day couldn't get any better, my room is spotless. Unlike many people... I LOVE cleaning [I think that may be the sole reason Shea wants me to live with her?? hah.] I don't know what it is but being home by myself with the music super loud just makes me want to clean.
So... it that weird how in the first part my day was just plain... but once I started explaining, it was actually a complex day. I think I get that ability to explain every detail from having to do it to Farah all the time. I say I went to the movies... and she says: What movie? With who? Was it good? It is actually kinda fun. :]
So whoa it is 2007. I have 6 moths till I graduate, 7 months until I go to college, and about 15 mintutes until Amanda and Katy come over. :]
So far 2007 has already been pretty eventful.
I spent the first part of it [the 1st and 2nd] in AL visiting David and Farah. We did a bunch of random stuff including going to Auburn... my love. Sadly we oculdn't get out and walk around because of Dax and Cole, but I could still enjoy the greatness that is Auburn from the backseat window.
Then I had to go back to school and realized that there is this little thing I am supposed to do called a senior prject. Mine was scheduled for next Tuesday, but because of copnflicts with my job shadow... and an important feild trip, it got moved to April [I am not complaining].
OKay so that takes us to yesterday... Dylan moving to Florida. Or was it today? I don't know really late last night/ early this morning. Anyways we went to Famous Daves for dinner, then hung out at the Reeves, then went bowling [some people got lost on the way home], then went back to the Reeves... and finally home. It was a pretty long night. After we talked and said goodbye to Dylan... Katy and T stayed the night and I got a full 10 hours of sleep!!!!!! That is a first for this year. :]