new year...

So whoa it is 2007. I have 6 moths till I graduate, 7 months until I go to college, and about 15 mintutes until Amanda and Katy come over. :]

So far 2007 has already been pretty eventful.

I spent the first part of it [the 1st and 2nd] in AL visiting David and Farah. We did a bunch of random stuff including going to Auburn... my love. Sadly we oculdn't get out and walk around because of Dax and Cole, but I could still enjoy the greatness that is Auburn from the backseat window.

Then I had to go back to school and realized that there is this little thing I am supposed to do called a senior prject. Mine was scheduled for next Tuesday, but because of copnflicts with my job shadow... and an important feild trip, it got moved to April [I am not complaining].

OKay so that takes us to yesterday... Dylan moving to Florida. Or was it today? I don't know really late last night/ early this morning. Anyways we went to Famous Daves for dinner, then hung out at the Reeves, then went bowling [some people got lost on the way home], then went back to the Reeves... and finally home. It was a pretty long night. After we talked and said goodbye to Dylan... Katy and T stayed the night and I got a full 10 hours of sleep!!!!!! That is a first for this year. :]

1 Comment:

  1. Farah said...
    Thanks for the details. I just asked Andy for more on his blog; should have checked here first. 10 hours...i'm jealous!!!!

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