So last night after playing games and eating pizza at David and Farah's, we went to Carol's house to watch a movie. We watched Underclassmen and it was actually realllllllllllllly good. Then I went to Lauren's and we pretty much went to bed right away. So this is where I got annoyed... my mom wanted me to be home by 11 today, and I woke up and Lauren's clock said 10:45 so I told her you know, I have to be home by 11, but I will see you later. WOW I get in my car and Lauren's clock was wrong, it's only 9:25. I was locked out of their house and everyone was alseep so I just came home and have nothing to do now. haha. I'm not really mad I was just joking but yeah...yesterday was fun.


  1. Katy said...
    So, do you really think Jessica Simpson uses proactiv, or is she just in it for the money?
    Meagan Ruff said...
    Katy said...
    thats what i thought.

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