This evening, when I was getting ready to go to bed extrememly early (7ish) Brian called wanting ot have a movie night. Of course I should have been expecting this because there basically is a movie night EVERY night. Anyways, it ended up being only M-squared [Me and Megan Hughes] and the Bessey kids. After just sitting aroun din the front room watchign Brian and Daniel wrestle, Robin came home, and in her Chinese voice, announced that she brought home Chinese food for dinner. Meg, Brian and I already ate so we started the movie. A little while after dinner, Robin brought us some fortune cookies. Now these always confuse me...Either you do not understand the fortune, it has nothing to do with your life, or sometimes there isn't even a fortune in the cookie [they forgot it, lol]. So I have already come to the conclusion they are fake, but I still will share what mine was: "Your fondest dream will come true within this year." I haven't even figure out what my fondest dream is yet, so how does my cookie know it will come true within the next year??
My quote for this swell evening: "You are as heavy as a bucket fileld with cheese and guacamole!!" [[Daniel Bessey.]]
- Farah said...
Tuesday, January 31, 2006 1:20:00 PM...and the Dr. Pepper? What about the Dr. Pepper? I am living vicariously here! What about the Dr. Pepper?!!!!- Meagan Ruff said...
Tuesday, January 31, 2006 2:48:00 PMohhh well of course i had a dr. pepper to drink. its just obvious farah!!! :)- normalisboring (aka tanya t) said...
Tuesday, January 31, 2006 7:57:00 PMi just want to say, maki, that i find you hilarious! your blogs are quite funny and i appreciate your cleverness! mostly i really find it bizarre how frequently you get locked out of various locations...mind-boggling! love ya and see you thursday