i have a theory. that no matter how old your younger sibling is, no matter how much taller they are than you, no matter how much more they weigh than you: as an older sibling you always have the reflex to want to jump in and save them. you can make fun of their crooked nose your entire life, but the moment anyone ELSE mentions it, they will wish they hadn't. you can argue and fight and brag about how much better you are than them, but the moment someone else is putting them down, watch out. they could be COMPLETELY wrong in an arguement, and deserve to be at the losing end, but as an older sister you still want to defend them. they can throw all your stuff in your sink, tell you that all your friends hate you, mess up your room, take you stuff... and yet, you will still feel the need rescue them the moment things are looking down for them. younger siblings might not feel the same towards older sibs... but then again this whole thing is just a theory anyway.
1 Comment:
- Amanda Otis said...
Wednesday, May 07, 2008 3:35:00 PMYou are my big sister. :)