1. small, live, local concerts. there is nothing better than going to a free concert, hanging out with friends, and listening to beautiful music played by people you know [and will someday marry ;)]. t and i went to the "mosaic fiji mission trip benefit concert" at that brick church on pioneer last night. there were four bands [michael rabb (and band), danielle henry (and band), the bryan reynolds band, and the redemption band]. i had heard all but danielle play before... but they were all AMAZING last night. definitely worth standing for 2 and a half hours. :)

2. chicken teriyaki. not only is it cheap for a full meal [5.99 for plenty of chicken, rice, and salad], but it is amazingly delicious. one of the greater things available in the northwest!

3. garage sales. it is the beginning of garage sale-ing season here in washington, and we [my fam] celebrated by having a HUMUNGOUS garage sale at my cousin bri's. sale items included stuff from myself, bri and phil, my aunt sandy, my grandma, cousin jami, and a few neighbors and family friends. it is so much fun to hang out with family and think of all the memories of your old stuff. as jami put it, "there goes my childhood!" [about a boy who bought one of her favorite stuffed animals]. i also think it is fun to bargain with people. the best part about this particular garage sale was the weather! bright and sunny two days in a row!!

4. text messaging. whether i am texting katy who is currently in california, or getting a text from stacey who is a few feet away from me at a concert... i love texting! haha.

5. loud music!!! i am so excited for summer to come [since we got a taste of it these past two days] because i can roll down the windows of my car with loud music. it really doesnt matter what you are listening to, as long as it is loud. today it was candlefuse... a crowd favorite. yesterday it was taylor swift. the day before i was blasting 'bagels by the sea' while driving to babysit. loud music just rocks!!! if i werent babysitting with a sleeping child upstairs... i would probably be jamming to some music right now!

6. new friends. over the past oh, month or so... i have made so many new friends! it is wonderful! forza friends, mosaic friends, younglife friends, new people i babysit for. you get the picture. new friends are wonderful!! and i love them!

7. learning. dude, [ha!] whether i am picking something up that joel teaches us at mosaic, something from pastor george at church, or discovering something new on my own... learning is awesome! that moment where everything clicks... i love it! it is making me even more excited to start school in the fall. although, i could do without the homework.

8. being broke. it sounds weird, but i kind of like being broke. haha. i have no money 95% of the time... but God always comes through with just enough for what i need, and i love it! i need gas, and God is there with a big babysitting job [yes i said a big job... you know gas is like 4 dollars a gallon. a two hour babysitting job just doesnt do it. haha], i need clothes, and hey! my mom says, do you want to go shopping tonight? i need food, and what do you know... there is 14 dollars in my bank account when i thought there was only 2. it is just amazing. now if only i could afford an apartment/rental house on this budget. ;)

9. being a girl. talicia and i were talking about it is fun to be a girl the other day. i like curling my hair or straightening it. painting my fingers and toes pink. doing my make-up. and wearing girly clothes. it is just fun. being a girl is cool. sorry to all the guys who are missing out.

10. looking forward to something. i haven't started a countdown yet, but i love looking forward ti big events. example: going back to the south in october! i am excited to buy a dress to wear to matthew and courtney's wedding, excited to see all the isbells!!!, and excited just to go somewhere. the countdown will probably start in the mid-summer... so be looking for it. :)


  1. Farah said...
    I love a lot of that same stuff...go figure!!! I am going to speak to the girl part though. I too love being a girl; being surrounded by boys, I have learned that they are loud...I like to be quiet, they are full of energy...I like to sit still long enough to paint my toes--and let them dry; and sometimes they smell funny!!! Ha! I love them and love watching them be boys but for me, I'm thankful God made me a girl!
    Anonymous said...
    Good words.

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