my newest raddest best ever goals:

1.] Go to college.

2.] Go on a long distance-ish mission trip. *

3.] Go to an Auburn Football game with David and Farah.


5.] Go a whole day without saying a word. **

6.] Have my dream job. :)

7.] Fly first class.

8.] Go to the Tulip Festival in whatever city it is in.

9.] Eat at waffle house really late at night/early in the morning.

10.] Touch EVERY ocean.

11.] Read the entire bible front to back without skipping around.

12.] Run a mile in 6 minutes. ***

13.] Eat a grilled cheese sandwich in New Zealand.

14.] Aquire a tatse for food other than chicken, pasta, and salad.

15.] Cut my hair short. ****

16.] Get married.

17.] Get along with my brother for more than 10 minutes at a time.*****

18.] Stay at least one night in every single state.

*Costa Rica.
**Could be difficult.
***I don't enjoy running.
****Very unlikely to EVER happen.
*****ha. hahaha. ha.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I so loved your post this morning. Glad you made it back safely, i hardly saw you while you were here, hope you had a great time!
    Mom Isbell
    normalisboring (aka tanya t) said...
    maybe you could get married in new zealand while on a missions trip and serve grilled-cheese sandwiches at your reception. then you've knocked out several goals in one setting.
    Meagan Ruff said...
    maybe i can drive across the country on my way to an airport on the east coast where i will fly first class all the way to new zealand. hahah.
    Farah said...
    Love you and would love to eat a grilled cheese sand (props to Kath)with you in New Zea.

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