With only two days until we head to Alabama... I guess you can say I am pretty excited, but also extremely stressed. All these days we have been counting down, first 70. Then 56. Then a month. Then a week. The day is RAPIDLY approaching. I feel like I have soooo much to do and definetly not enought time to do it. I have to pack. I have to wash clothes. I need to find some batteries for the camera, and a charger for my phone. I really need some more socks, and above all that I need to get all my school assignments figured out. Earlier this month I couldn't wait for March 9th... now I am wishing I had like, just a week more to get ready!!!

I think a teeny, tiny part of me is also scared... but only for the plane ride. Yes imagine that, there is still someone in the world over the age of 2 that has NEVER been on an airplane. Actually there are two [[me and Jarvis]]. I am really excited and have never been afraid of flying, I just haven't had the oppertunity to fly somewhere.

Man... I definetly am excited, but all this time it has never really seemed like we really are GOING to Alabama. We talk about it and think about it, but its just kind of like a picture in our heads. Anyways today I think it finally sank in a little. I am so pumped :]]

1 Comment:

  1. Greg said...
    You will LOVE flying Meagan....all first time flyers get dibs on the window seat!! Remember, it is hundreds of times safer than your car ride to the airport. Any interest in going sky diving this summer?? Have fun on your trip!!


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