for Cole :)

Life in Washington this past week is great!!!!! The weather has been cold [perfect for Starbucks haha], and school has been pretty easy [two days off and the rest of the week half days].

On Monday, Amanda, Talicia and I went up to Seattle for the afternoon/evening. We went to Pike Place Market, tons of stores, Coldstone, and even Barnes and Noble [which is SWEET in Seattle]. After all that jazz, we headed for Seattle Pacific to A: see Taylor and the college and B: go to a college fair at the church across from the school. We got lost on the way there... and ended up on the express lanes to who knows where. We were at one point directly across the water from where we needed to be, and I was pretty sure that I was going to live in Amanda's jetta for the rest of my life under a bridge in Seattle. We finally found our way, met up with Taylor, and attended the fair. Which leads me to the subject that gives me the most headaches: college and the application process.

I still working on filling these things out. One is completely done [Auburn], two are very close..I still need recommendations[Corban and Masters], and one I have barely started [AUM]. I don't think I have ever written my address so many times, or talked so much about my "character traits that would improve the campus". Basically I am still completely undecided on where I am going to go.

So there you go Cole. Glad you reminded me to update!!!

1 Comment:

  1. Amanda Otis said...
    We weren't lost! Haha. The express lanes are sweet you have to admit :]. Seattle is AMAZING and so are you! Love you!

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