
So today we were at the Supermall [me, Dylan, T and David], and a thought occured to me. Besides the fact that I think about Auburn pretty much everyday [Maybe it means I want to go there? :) I don't know...], I recognized all the new UW/WSU stuff around in the stores. Sports stores, clothing stores, and Bed Bath and BEYOND. So it reminded me of course of all the Auburn/Alabama stuff I saw this summer. Anyways all this got me thinking about football and actually being at Auburn and what it would be like to go to school there... and then we left teh mall and I kinda forgot about it.

Then we went to dinner [pasta of course], with Gene and Jess, and later ended up going to the South Hill Mall. We had only been there about 5 minutes, and we saw a guy wearing an Auburn shirt!!!! In Puyallup... an Auburn shirt. It was weird, but cool. And I think it means that I am supposed to go to Auburn [Mom if you are reading this...don't you think that means I should?? :) ] So now [a little off subject] I am wondering... why doesn't UW and WSU have war cries? Like War Eagle and Roll Tide [eww.]? Or maybe they do and I just don't know. Anyone know the answer? [sorry for all the brackets I just have a lot of sidenotes].


  1. normalisboring (aka tanya t) said...
    does this mean corban is no longer in consideration?
    Farah said...
    I know you didn't type those bad words in your blog? I know I was seeing things!! (Wait! I hope I am not seeing that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I didn't know that UW and WSU didn't have war cries. I do know that WSU can spell because they kept Washington and Cougs at the game! We spell Auburn and Tigers too but they did it over and over and over.
    Meagan Ruff said...
    Oh Corban is DEFINETLY still in my head. Along with a few other schools. And Tanya come on... I can still be a bum.

    And Farah, thats very surprising WSU can spell. I didn't know they could. [Can you tell I am more of a UW fan?] :]
    Farah said...
    Well, I only know they can spell a few words. Like I said, "They spelled them over and over." Not many more cheers and their "Coug" just stood around. I mean "Aubie" came down to see him a lot. He played "golf" with irons in his bag named "Kenny" and "David". Ha! Ha! He put on lots of comic acts for us and we were on the other side of the field. He makes his rounds during games! It is great! You know he is in the Football Hall of Fame?!!!!! Greatest mascot ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Greg said...
    UW and WSU do have war cries Meagan.....they go to war, lose and then CRY !!

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