So I was reading this random blog... and they had a list of 100 random things about them. I am really bored, have my chores finished, and its cloudy outside, so I think I might attempt this. Here it goes:
1. My favorite color is green.
2. I can't type. At all. I can spell, just not on the computer.
3. I actually like school.
4. I have now been on a plane. My first flight was at age 17.
5. I have never been to Disneyland.
6. My family is probably the craziest family in the world [even extended family.], but its great.
7. My car has broken down twice in one week,a nd had the mirror busted off in the same day as one breakdown.
8. I get my car taken away about once or twice every month for random stuff.
9. I've never had to go to the hospital.
10. I have had two surgeries, but not at the hospital. [tonsils and wisdom teeth].
11. Unlike every person on myspace who puts that they hate reading... I actually love it. And not just magazines.
12. Lists are my favorite thing to make. [obviously]
13. I have never been out of the country. Nope, not even to Canada.
14. One of my life goals is to go to every state. So far I've got Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, California, Wyoming, Texas, and Alabama.
15. Rain is probably one of my favorite things. Besides the fact that it gets my jeans all wet and my feet cold, I love it.
16. I listen to the song So Contagious by Acceptance about 10 times everyday. Not even joking.
17. I am listening to it right now.
18. My all time favorite movie is School of Rock.
19. I have really weird dreams. Like REALLY weird and random. But they are funny once I wake up and tell someone.
20. I miss eating twizzler bites and drinking Cherry Coke at bible study after 222.
21. I get 50 cents for every day my room is clean, and I have to pay 5 dollars every day its not. So far I've made 1.50 and lost nothing :]. Its only been a deal for three days.
22. I have a really good memory.
23. I like cleaning.
24. Pasta is probably my all time favorite food in the world.
25. I am going to be a senior next year, and I graduate on June 7th, 2007.
26. I check people's blogs everyday, and Greg and Heather haven't posted in months!!!
27. I ahev a lot of stuff to do today, but no car [its still in the shop from the breakdown/mirror].
28. My favorite Disney princess is Jasmine.
29. This is probably the most random list in the entire world.
30. I can't think of anything else, so this ends at 30 :].
Today Sydnee and I braved the sidewalks of Village Green to go "ant stomping." I was new to this, but Syd is a professional. We went up and down the block stomping ants everywhere. It was a great experience. Try it sometime!!!
When I was about four I think, or maybe five, I started going to Sunday School. I thought I was SO cool because I was in the kindergarten class... but I wasn't in kindergarten yet [for some reason I was in a class older in Sunday School my entire sunday school life, and Jarvis usually threatened to tell everyone that really I was only a 1st grader, not a 2nd grader, or a 2nd grader not really and 3rd grader, and so...which always freaked me out]. Anyway my first day ever, age four [or five]... I remember we had a story about stone soup. I don't remember the story at all. I probably wasn't listening because thats just the kind of kid I was. I just remember we actually made a stone soup, and that upset me for two reasons. One I hated soup, and two I didn't get the stone in mine, so in my mind, I lost. A couple years later, I was in 1st grade [really kindergarten], and we were talking about how Jesus healed a blind man. The teacher had us close our eyes and imagine being blind. I thought I was really smart...and really I was. When she said... "When you are blind, everything is can't see anything." I said, " Actually, if I look towards the window, its more of a red from the you CAN see SOMETHING." That same year the church offered free daycare for a saturday so moms could go Christmas shopping without the kids. I was so mad that I was not in the same room as my brother... I think I cried the entire day [helping in Chaseplace has shown me that a lot of kids do that, so I feel the four year olds pain when her brother is goign into the nursery or her sister is heading down the hall towards Amanda's class :) ]. Other memories included playing hot potato with a plastic piggy bank. The same piggy bank that halfway through the game hit my in the lip and made me get a bloody lip on my favorite dress. My first reaction to blood on my finger that I wiped from my mouth was to cry [come on, I was six. All six year olds cry]. Then it was to never, EVER come back again. I remember going into the little bathroom under the stairs to clean my lip, and the one girl that I feared most in my entire sunday school class came to help me. I was usually kind of intimidated by everyone in my class... mainly because I was younger and they were older and probably smarter and definetly cooler. Anyway her name was Kirsten, and I could not believe she was helping me! My entire life [six years] I was afraid of her. But when I was crying and my lip was bleeding she was the first to jump up and help. I don't really know what my point is. I guess maybe it is that just because someone is older and seems smarter and cooler and everything, doesn't mean that you have to be scared of them. In my case, they can be really nice and helpful when you least expect it.
So that is the site I have been camping at for the past three days. To the right is the back of our camper, and to the left is probably our family's closest friends', the Johnsons', truck and trailor. You can't see it, but just one site up is the Johnsons' brother and family, and down farther is Team Extreme [four guys and their families that make up a snowmobile club]. You can also see Moose, the Johnsons' dog. Of all 8 years I have been camping at this golf course, I'd have to say this trip was the best. Usually one of the kids from each family brings at least one friend, sometimes more. This year it was strictly the Maki's and the Johnson's. Its always fun [ Amanda, Katy, and Jon have all come with us... they would know], but its good to be with just family. I missed hanging out with all the Johnson boys [Yes I am the only girl among about 6 boys including Jarvis... but they are all younger than me by a lot], when I bring friends, we end up kind of doing our own thing. I also got a chance to hang out with the Team Extreme girls [ the moms and their two daughters and neice who are all three about 10 years old.] We went to a waterpark in town that I didn't even know existed... and it was AWESOME.
Now... I must explain the little bit of background behind ourselves, the Johnsons, and Team Extreme... it all has to do with snowmobiling, and since this was the WSSA [Washington State snowmobile Association] Golf Tournement, now would be a good time. A long time ago... my Dad, Jim Johnson, and his brother Dan Johnson started a snowmobile club called Hi Country Beelers [I think it sounds like a hick name but oh well thats what its called]. It still exists... but sometime about 5 years ago a few of the guys thought they were too great of riders for our club and started their own... hence Team Extreme. Now,I must say,for being old-ish guys... they are pretty hardcore snowmobilers. Anyways there is this friendly sort of rivalry that goes on between the two clubs... and being together camping for a weekend was quite an experience. Team Extreme has been trying to recruit my brother [who they call Jay], for a quite a while now. They usually tell him that my dad is too old, and that he is meant to be in Team Extreme. The WSSA has a magazine type thing that goes out every month. Any snowmobile club can write in and their article will be put in. Team Extreme once had one that Jay was goign against his family and switching sides. That kind of joking happens a lot. They also get a little crazy... like stealing our golf carts and driving them around the golf course [this happens at home too]. Usually it is pretty funny though. As for the Hi Country Beelers [grr I really don't like that name], it was a pretty relaxing weekend. Hanging out at night at our campgorun was the best, especially on Saturday, when Wylie, Axel, Chevy, and Blazer tried to convince the dads to let them drive to Othello [ the next town ] to get Taco Bell. First off Wylie, who is the oldest, is only 15, so he can't drive. Second, it was like 11PM. And third, there isn't even a Taco Bell in Othello. They still convinced the dads, and had them talking about Chalupa's and Cheesy Gordida Crunches all night long.
Unlike the last weekend I stayed in Moses Lake, I have about 1200 bug bites. If Amanda and Farah have sweet skin... then mine is EXTRA sweet. I put on so much bug spray... and I still got so many bites, mainly on my feet and legs. Luckily they are not itching at the moment!!! The heat was the same... about 98 degrees on Saturday afternoon [we were thankfully at the waterpark]. I probably had about 20 otter pops that day!!!
To wrap it all up, I really enjoyed this vacation. But I can say that nothing beats being at home with the AC on and no bugs in sight!!!!
There is this song on my CD that is so lame... but so true. Too bad I'm too lame to even say what the song is. Or what its about. But I just had to say that.
More to blog about later. I just can't put a whoel bunch of thoughts together at the moment. I'm kind of lazy. :]