ever since i moved for college... i haven't had that "home" feeling. it has been a really cool, fun, CRAZY experience so far... but i just don't have that "home" feeling. anyways... this weekend, being at david and farah's is like being at home. it definitely is not, and could not ever be my real home. obviously its missing the essentials... my mom, dad, and jarvis [and dewey if you want to count him]. but after them... this is home. my pictures are here. i am in a frame on the table in the kitchen [along with other... kind of weird if the frame was just of me, haha]. the people i love are here... obviously david and farah and the boys. and not only are they here... but they constantly remind me of home back in washington. with them, we are always talking about... remember when, fill in the blank. its really nice, and i love it. but also bryan and karen are here. even though they didnt ever live in washington... my first memories of them are there, so they remind me of home too. just hanging out at their house watching the auburn game feels like home. i have even made memories here that remind me of home... with dylan, with talicia, with amanda, cameron, and andy... they are all from washington. and when i walk up the driveway and remember them walking with me, or sit down on the couch at spin and remember sitting with them... its almost like they are here too. it is so weird to be so far away... to a place i have only visited 3 times... and feel so great about it. i basically love it... if you dont get the picture :)

and wow dylan... if you ever read this... thanks for making me addicted to doing the [...] thing. grrr.


  1. Amanda Otis said...
    Awwwwwww, this made me smile. The part about all of us and walking up the driveway and sitting at spin and remembering us there with you. Awww, awww, awww, but this just makes me miss you more. Now I have a tear in my eye. Sniff, sniff. I love you!!!
    Farah said...
    That was a really great post! You too give me that homey feeling. David and I saw a quote once at a campground store somewhere. It said, "Home is where your story begins." Orting became part of our beginning too and in a sense is thought of as home. I hope you always feel at home here especially when you can't get to your real home.

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