finally. i know.

Instead of being all mushy [which I could totally do :) ], I am going to say a little sweet story about each Isbell, because everyone seems to be writing about them. Actually its more of a memory with each person. Anyway... onward:

The High Fiver aka David: OKay so I have two memories for you. The first one: mudding with Justin and Dylan. Driving up that one hill in the jeep, then satnding up there watching Justin try 500 times was the best. It won't be the same without you [if we ever go again]]. The second one: driving to or from Birmingham... it was night and I finally got to ride up front. We were listening to Third Day on the Ipod and I remember everyone was singing. Especially Cameron because he was sitting right behind me so it was right in my ear. Anyways you kinda looked over and asked, "Does it feel like we're going 80?" It was pretty fun. Those times totally make up for you pushing me off a rock in Cannon Beach, and for making me cry on the airplane.

The Hugger aka Farah: My memory with you is actually on the day I found out you guys were moving. That afternoon, after you guys came home with Dax all stitched up, was pretty much amazing. We watched Chicken Little with Dax, who told me not to close my eyes. Then you spelled out this...Y-o-u c-a-n c-l-o-s-e y-o-u-r e-y-e-s i-f y-o-u w-a-n-t b-e-c-a-u-s-e t-h-e-n D-a-x w-i-l-l s-l-e-e-p. I can't believe I actually followed you and your speed spelling. Then once Dax and Cole were sleeping, we layed on the sloor and listened to Rascal Flatts, then we watched Big Fish and just talked and hung out. I have so many more amazing memories with you... but that one stands out the most.

The Pound-it Kid aka Dax: Well I know you can't read, and like Megan said in her blog... hopefully your mom will read this too you. I have endless memories with you, babysitting you, going on trips with you, and watching you run around in Chaseplace. You tell me the funniest things, and I love it when you flex your muscles [You must be pretty strong]. But the best memory was on the last Sunday you were here. I was leaving Chaseplace and like always said, "Bye Dax, I love you!" Usually you just keep on playing... or wave. But this time you said, "I love you too!" I was so happy. That is one of the best ever. Another quick good memory is when you were asking your mom if you could say Roll Tide. You're hilarious.

The Spitter-upper aka Baby Cole: I know you're only a baby, but I hope this memory doesn't embarass you. We were in Alabama and it was super hot out. I am pretty sure it was the first day we were there, and your mom dropped you off at Chris and Trudie's house for us to watch you. I don't think you adjusted to the heat very well, because you were so sweaty!!! So we took off your shirt to wash it and dry it, and sat with you in the living room. You pretty much had endless rolls, but it was the cutest thing ever. Don't worry, Dax's chubbiness went away, and I'm sure yours will too pretty soon :].

The Licker aka Faith: I didn't know you even existed for the first year I knew David and Farah. But once I saw you, I couldn't help but let you out whenever I was babysitting. I don't have a memory with you, but I like you.

1 Comment:

  1. Farah said...
    Thanks for the memories. My first one with you was at the bus stop. We left thinking you and Jarvis pretty much distrusted everything about us and thought we were the lamest things ever. My favorite ones are with "Meagan-Maki-Hooz" trying to help me figure out myspace.

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